Investigator Positions

On this page, you’ll find various positions from across California and the Country.  DIA does not endorse any specific candidates or organizations.  If you’d like to add a posting please let a board member know or contact us at [email protected] .  Best of luck in your pursuit of a noble profession!

Los Angeles County

Public Defender Investigator II - Closing 7/12/22
Los Angeles County's Law Office of the Public Defender is headed up by Public Defender Ricardo Garcia who has presented for this organizations multiple times and supported DIA and DITA.  

This office is hiring experienced investigators. Exam contact is [email protected] .  Check out details in the link below. 

More information

Santa Clara County

Public Defender Investigator I - Closing 4/14/22
The County of Santa Clara provides essential services that people need on a daily basis to work and live in Silicon Valley. The County of Santa Clara delivers the services and information they need. Customer service is a top priority for the County, which oversees services and programs for a multilingual, culturally diverse community.

The Public Defender is looking to hire investigators who, under supervision, perform field investigations, interview witnesses, gather evidence on behalf of indigents represented by the Office of the Public Defender.